Friday, 18 November 2011

Cash monies, shotgun and a huge market...

First on the agenda was getting some cash monies. as me and g were running out of currency. So we set off in the search on a place to exchange travellers cheques and access our bank accounts. My search ended with me going up an escalator off a shopping mall and knocking on a steel door marked "banko." As the door swung open i was confronted with a large man in tactical gear with the biggest shotgun i have ever seen. Who then started gesticulating and shouting in portugese. I just waaived travellers cheques and my passport at him and he let me pass through the second door. The next room was a normal bank lobby with cashiers and a friendly receptionist. After several minutes of me not understanding any portugese i was on my way cash in hand and again pushed past the security man and was free once more...

We then decided to hit the large municpal market to soak up the food and smells and grab some lunch. A cool guy we met in the hostel called "crazy Pete" decided to tag along. Hes an absolute lad, whos mission it seems is notching his bed post in every south american country on his travels... Lad.

The market was Huge and we enjoyed some fruit juice smoothies and spent a while walking around looking at the stalls. We decided to grab lunch at a cafe upstairs in the market. I LOVED the mortadilla sandwhiches... A large hunk of bread with LOADS of mortadilla sausage meat and mozarella. So good.

on the way home form the metro we stopped off in the jungle park for a workout at the jungle gym. After our session we joined in a yoga session with a load of people in the park. who after chatting to a fellow stretcher were revealed to be psyc patients and their carers. interesting to say the least....

We are heading to Florianopolis tonight on our first long bus journey. 12 hours leaving at 9.45 tonight.

Wish us luck....

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