Monday, 21 November 2011

First winds...

As you might have noticed we havent updated the blog for the last couple of days and for good reason. The day we arrived we hit the surf and the sun (brits on tour, lobsterific). Following day we kited but winds were a bit light for the larger lads but I managed to have fun in the surf begind kite. Today was a different story. Decided to only take big kites after yesterdays lighter winds. We got a bit dominated to say the least. Wind much stronger. Waves more powerful.

So Booley had an epic in the waves; got pinned by 2 waves, kite not helping also getting bashed by waves, came out alive coughing and spluttering with bridle snapped and line loose! I also had a similar experience a couple of times but came out with kit in tact. Apparently youre meant to go to A&E after swallowing 3 or more mouthfuls of seawater but we have chosen the home medicating approach of numerous Caipirinhas. Currently seems to be working well and less hassle.

Tomorrow brings a chilled day but booming winds (30+ knots) on wednesday so stay tuned for some gnarly tales and shots....if we all come back in one piece!

1 comment:

  1. Jesus Christ boys, try and stay alive for when we come out!!
